The envelope curve equation of sweep auger for discharge grain divided in layer from a cylinder bin 分层卸粮扫仓螺旋输送器轮廓曲线方程
This function describes the envelope of the displacement curve. 这函数描绘出位移曲线的包络。
On such a basis, a performance function based on the shear strength envelope curve in the shape of quadratic parabola was established. 在此基础上,建立了基于二次抛物线形抗剪强度包络线的功能函数。
The influences of relevant parameters such as wave height, wave steepness, relative depth as well as slope of breakwater upon envelope curve and relationship between wave phase and that of reversal stress are also discussed. 文中探讨了波高、波坦、相对水深、堤坡坡度等参数对该包络图图形的影响;反压力与波面的相位关系等。
With the additive amounts of cement and beads of EPS, the Mohr-coulomb envelope curve of the lightweight bead-treated specimen has two types: folding line and straight line. 随着水泥及EPS颗粒添加量的不同,它的莫尔破坏包络线有折线型和直线型2种表现形式。
On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of checking methods of various kinds of locomotive and rolling stock limiting gauges, a method of calculation for one kind of fully dynamic envelope curve subway car limiting gauge is put forth. 在综合分析各种机车车辆限界校验方法的基础上,提出了一种全动态包络线地铁车辆限界计算的方法。
Known Maximum Flood in the World and Its Envelope Curve Formula 世界已知最大洪水及其外包线公式
Use the LEADS software to simulate the calculation of beam transfer, and show the envelope curve of beam transfer. 运用LEADS软件,进行了束流传输的模拟计算,并显示了束流传输包络曲线。
In mechanical engineering CAD, CAM, FMS, NC and other technologies, there commonly exists the problem to find the solution to inverse envelope, i. e. what causes the curved surface or curve of envelope. 在机械工程CAD、CAM、FMS及NC等技术中,广泛地存在着求逆包络的问题,即求产生包络的曲面或曲线的过包络问题。
By using this procedure, the failure envelope curve corresponding to the strength of various sliding surfaces can be obtained, thus determining the location of the most dangerous sliding surface and its corresponding factor of safety. 根据这种方法可以得出对应于不同滑动面的强度的破坏包线,从而可以确定最危险滑动面的位置及相应的安全系数。
The paper presents the method of single parameter plane group envelope for making complex surface developable in order to develop it. Developable surface is obtained between curve and curve or between curve and surface. 提出了应用单参数平面族的包络实现可展面的方法,在两曲线之间或曲线与曲面之间构造出光滑连续的可展面,使复杂曲面可展化,为其展开奠定基础。
Neural network gain scheduling design for large envelope curve flight control law 大飞行包线控制律的神经网络调参设计
The modification of a knot of a NURBS curve of order k generates a one-parameter family of curves. This family has an envelope which is also a NURBS curve with the same control polygon and of order k-a, where a is the multiplicity of the modified knot. 改变k阶NURBS曲线的节点,会产生一个单参数NURBS曲线族,该曲线族的包络是用相同控制顶点定义的k-a阶NURBS曲线,这里a是所改变的节点的重数。
This paper introduces the working method to render three axes envelope curve of clipping line of geotechnical test using AutoCAD, and explains the windows and menu operations, parameter setting combined with the engineering practice. 介绍了利用AutoCAD2000绘制土工试验三轴剪切线包络线图的作业方法,并结合工程实例对作业过程中的窗口和菜单操作及参数设置等作了具体说明。
In this paper, the relation between base radius and reference-angle has been analysed, when designed the cam surface of disk cam mechanism with an oscillating flat-faced follower by using a method of envelope curve. 文中分析了用包络法设计具有摆动平底推杆盘状凸轮机构的凸轮廓线时基圆半径与分度角的关系。
The self-similar traffic getting into the GPS system was regulated using the envelope curve of the fractal leaky bucket ( FLB). The upper bounds on queue length and delay of the GPS system with self-similar traffic input was derived. 通过使用分形漏桶的包络曲线对进入GPS系统的自相似业务流进行整形,推导了利用自相似业务流作为输入的GPS系统的队列长度和时延统计上界。
Study about Rolling Stock Limiting Guage of Fully Dynamic Envelope Curve Subway Car 全动态包络线地铁车辆限界研究
The H~ Q curves are drawn by indicating the measured values of every year on the same graph and adopting the upper envelope curve. H~Q曲线把各年实测点子绘于同一图上,采用上包线成果;
The 'Failure Envelope' Curve of Soda-AQ Wheat Straw Pulp 烧碱蒽醌法麦草浆的裂断包络曲线
And the approximately error is also studied. Dynamic envelope algorithm is advanced to the calculate cross section curve of the workpiece according to different parameters of the tool edge shape in the event that its shape is arc. 针对圆弧刃形刀具所加工零件的截面型线进行了研究,提出了工件截面曲线的动态包络算法。
Additionally, the tool envelope surface formed by general motion is calculated, and the critical curve position on the cutter surface is also analysised with the motion parameters of the cutter. 进一步使用矢量算法计算了刀具做一般运动时形成的包络面,在此基础上分析了各运动参数对特征线位置的影响。
Data extending method for handling the end effects of EMD is effective. 3 A new method of envelope fitting for empirical mode decomposing databased on non-uniform B-spline curve is developed. 3基于非均匀B样条曲线插值数据极大值、极小值点,提出了经验模态分解信号包络拟合的新方法。
Due to the envelope curve caused by different fault discharge is different, UHF signal frequency was reduced by using the envelope detection method in situ data processing unit to solve the contradiction between UHF signals and the acquisition system. 由于不同故障放电产生的信号其包络曲线不同,数据就地处理单元利用包络检波方式对超高频信号进行降频处理,解决超高频信号和采集系统之间的矛盾。